
Caromai Bouquet

Caromai Bouquet is a French-Swiss mindfulness and meditation teacher.

She has studied and practised mindfulness and meditation for 30 years, spending 18 years training under Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh at various Plum Village international practice centres.

During her years there, she lead retreats, gave seminars and provided training for people from diverse sectors including educators, health practitioners, ecologists and social activists in 20 different countries. She has also done a lot of work with children and adolescents and has a particular interest in promoting inclusivity (racial and for the LGBTIQ+ community in particular).

Currently she is working in Switzerland where she gives mindfulness workshops and trainings in both clinical and therapeutic settings. As well as providing mindfulness training programs for those who work in social care. She regularly organises retreats in France and Switzerland. Earlier this year she worked with Eurasia Learning Institute in Ho Chi Minh and Hue in Vietnam teaching mindfulness to business executives from large Vietnamese corporations.

In September 2021, she became a mindfulness trainer with the Eurasia Association, which has worked to develop socio-emotional skills in schools and businesses for the past 20 years.

She holds an advanced certificate from the University of Geneva in Happiness in Organisations.

Caromai believes that by practising the art of mindful living we are able to touch the wondrous, healing and refreshing elements that are inside and around us in all situations and in this cultivate joy and self understanding.

Caromai Bouquet