◆ Conference – Memory of Venice – State of Knowledge (in English)
Sa, 2. Sep 2023, 11:45 – 12:45 Uhr
With Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller (artists) and Anne Chapuis (communications officer - PROTECT)

For many, the effects of global warming are still a long way off. The fact that the decisions we have made - or failed to make - over the past 40 years will have far-reaching consequences for centuries to come is scarcely discussed.
This interdisciplinary symposium featuring representatives from the arts and sciences offers a discursive platform to examine the futures that lie ahead as a result of climate change, and to explore the following questions: What have we already decided? What if we could stop CO2 emissions now? Would we have already lost Venice? What if we could achieve climate neutrality (Net Zero) on a national scale?
The guest speakers will present their knowledge in ten-minute talks, giving an overview of their research and modeling fields, and giving concrete examples of what they have to say. At a subsequent round table, interfaces and questions will be discussed and exchanged with audience participation.

© Lucille Chaboche