
Since 1897, the Mouettes Genevoises have been crossing Geneva's harbour with complete peace of mind. 365 days a year, the four lines provide smooth passage between the 5 Molard, Pâquis, Eaux-Vives, Port Noir and De-Chateaubriand stops. Just a few minutes and you're on the other side of the river!
The Mouettes genevoises will also take you within a 5-minute walk of most of the works.
During the Biennale, Alexandre Joly's sound work Ville subaquatique et mondes parallèles (Underwater City and Parallel Worlds) will be on display on lines M3 and M4, while Christina Hemauer and Roman Keller's Memory of Venice will be on display at each landing stage, in the form of postcards to be activated.
▶ Molard landing stage (opposite Le Lacustre restaurant)
▶ Eaux-Vives landing stage (in line with rue des Pierres-du-Niton)
▶ Pâquis landing stage (opposite the Fairmont hotel)
▶ P+R Genève-Plage landing stage (next to the Port-Noir monument)
▶ De-Chateaubriand landing stage (near La Perle du Lac restaurant)