Look back at the opening weekend of (re)connecting.earth - Beyond Water
Photos were taken during the opening weekend events, such as:
Collective performance guided by artist Uriel Orlow
Conference – Crisis of sensibility, empathy and contemporary art: reconnecting with the earth
Conference – Memory of Venice – State of Knowledge
Art in context with artists Monica Ursina Jäger and Diana Lelonek & Denim Szram
Poetic performance by Philippe Constantin
Conference – Lights in the night: making the invisible visible and listening to bats
Introduction to naturalistic drawing for adults
▶ Venues: La Libellule, Bains des Pâquis, Maison de la Pêche
© Images: Lucille Chaboche, Léna Lacrabère, Bernard Vienat, Mikaël Ivan Roost.