
Monica Ursina Jäger

Monica Ursina Jäger was born in 1974 in Thalwil, Canton Zurich. She lives and works in London and Zurich. Her practice - which includes drawing, collage, installation and video - is built around a multidisciplinary reflection on the concepts of space, landscape and architecture, studying the multiple relationships within varied ecosystems. Fluctuating between the intuitive, the narrative and the factual, Monica Ursina Jäger examines processes of transformation, rearrangement and mediation, breaking down the boundaries between the production of artistic and scientific knowledge. Her works trace the entanglements of post-natural landscapes, the action of organic and inorganic matter on the environment, and the continuities and discontinuities of time.

Website of Monica Ursina Jäger

Monica Ursina Jäger