Luis Camnitzer
For (re) (02) - Beyond Water, Luis Camnitzer created The Hahnemann Museum of Water Drawings, a work inspired by the works of Samuel Hahnemann, inventor of homeopathy. The installation consists of 31 bottles of water labelled by Luis Camnitzer and filled during the course of the exhibition in a public participatory performance in which those who wish to do so draw a picture on the surface of the lake using a stick provided on site. Drawers leave their name, the title of their drawing and the date it was made in a special register. Samples of the water containing the drawings in a dilution of around 9C are then taken once a day for the duration of the Biennial, bottled and dated. The last dated bottle must contain all the "homeopathic drawings" made during the Biennial. The register, bottles and photographs will be kept together and available for future scientific research.
▶ Artwork: The Hahnemann Museum of Water Drawings, 2023, 31 bottles with labels, corks, vitrines, sticks and instructions printed on wood, Variable dimensions
▶ Venues: Bains des Pâquis, Débarcadère des Pâquis and Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman
© Julien Gremaud