◆ Conference – Crisis of sensibility, empathy and contemporary art: reconnecting with the earth (in French)
Sat, Sep 2, 2023, 10:30 – 11:30 AM
● Welcome at 10 AM
With Roberta Colombo Dougoud (curator - Musée d'ethnographie de Genève), Lauranne Germond (curator and director of the COAL association) and Uriel Orlow (artist)
Moderated by PD Dr. Ursula Ströbele (Studienzentrum zur Kunst der Moderne und Gegenwart Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte) and Bernard Vienat (artistic director - art-werk)

Since the 1960s, many artists have been questioning human interaction with nature. For many specialists, art has a real social and ecological responsibility. Since creativity and sensitivity make artists particularly aware of the need for ecological balance and increased social action, they have the power - and the duty - to act as social and environmental educators, not least through interdisciplinary cooperation with scientists.
The context of the second reconnecting.earth biennial provides an opportunity to reflect on the following questions: how do these artistic practices differ from other forms of debate? What artistic strategies are used? What is the role of emotions in a process of action and transformation of our relationship to the world, or even "a crisis of sensitivity"? How do practices such as eco-fiction, artivism, documentary or performance art manage to relay these other possible futures, beyond the art world? Are these works confined to institutions and biennials, or do they also have a place in the art market? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what questions do they raise?

© Lucille Chaboche